Vaginal septum

Vaginal septum
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 Q51.1
ICD-9 752.49

A vaginal septum is a congenital partition within the vagina; such a septum could be either longitudinal or transverse.

Longitudinal septum – double vagina

A longitudinal vaginal septum develops during embryogenesis when there is an incomplete fusion of the lower parts of the two mullerian ducts. As a result there is a double vagina.[1] There may be associated duplications of the more cranial parts of the mullerian derivatives, a double cervix, and either a uterine septum or uterus didelphys (double uterus).[2][3]

The person with a longitudinal vaginal septum may be asymptomatic and not aware of the condition. If dyspareunia is a problem a simple resection of the septum could be performed.

Transverse septum

A transverse septum can form during embryogenesis when the mullerian ducts fuse improperly to the urogenital sinus. A complete transverse will block menstrual flow and is a cause of primary amenorrhea. The accumulation of menstrual debris behind the septum is termed cryptomenorrhea. Some transverse septa are incomplete and may lead to dyspareunia or obstruction in labor.[4] A surgical incision will relieve the situation.


  1. ^ Varras M, Akrivis C, Demou A, Kitsiou E, Antoniou N (March 2007). "Double vagina and cervix communicating bilaterally with a single uterine cavity: report of a case with an unusual congenital uterine malformation". J Reprod Med 52 (3): 238–40. PMID 17465296. 
  2. ^ Heinonen, Pentti K. (March 2006). "Complete septate uterus with longitudinal vaginal septum". Fertil. Steril. 85 (3): 700–5. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2005.08.039. PMID 16500341. 
  3. ^ Perez-Brayfield MR, Clarke HS, Pattaras JG (September 2002). "Complete bladder, urethral, and vaginal duplication in a 50-year-old woman". Urology 60 (3): 514. doi:10.1016/S0090-4295(02)01808-3. PMID 12350504. 
  4. ^ Üstün Y, Üstün YE, Zeteroğlu Ş, Şahin G, Kamacı M (2005). "A Case of Transverse Vaginal Septum Diagnosed During Labor". Erciyes Medical Journal 27 (3): 136–138.